Welcome to AACDP!

Our organization represents the leaders of departments of psychiatry in  medical schools in the United States and Canada. As such, we are committed to promoting excellence in psychiatric education, research, and clinical care. We are also committed to advocating for health policy to create appropriate and affordable psychiatric care for all.

Join here!

Why join AACDP?

  • No one understands the opportunities and challenges of conducting research, providing leading edge clinical care, and educating the next generation like we do.
  • We provide orientation sessions for new chairs, a networking session for female chairs, and a workshop for associate members (associate & vice chairs).
  • AACDP meetings are a great opportunity to network with colleagues who understand and share the challenges you face.
  • Leadership training and peer mentoring for you and for your rising leaders in your department who can now join (with your support) as Associate Members.
  • AACDP supports advocacy efforts: for example, AACDP helped get APPI to reduce fees for use of SCID-5 for academic institutions/training-research activities
  • AACDP hosts and facilitates active discussions about future of psychiatry, integrated care, healthcare reform
Join here!

    Please click here to see chair vacancies.

    Interested in posting a job on the website or in the newsletter?
 Contact Sara

President's Message 

Welcome to the American Association of Chairs of Departments of Psychiatry: AACDP!

This is our organization. We are run by chairs for chairs. We understand the challenges and opportunities of managing the interwoven missions of research, education, patient care, and service to the profession. Our unique position in academic centers necessitates an organization like AACDP where we can come together to address common challenges facing psychiatric chairs.

I am honored to serve as AACDP president. Building on the tremendous leadership and accomplishments of those who have come before me, priorities for this year include enhancing our influence with legislators and policy-makers; increasing mentorship programs for new chairs, female chairs, and associate members; and creating leadership development opportunities and curricula for future psychiatry department chairs.

If you are the chair of an academic psychiatry department, this organization is for you. Join us as we work together to shape the future of academic psychiatry while realizing the benefits of collaborating with a peer group to help you be a more effective department chair.


Faces of AACDP



Spring Meeting                                    
Friday, May 16, 2025
8:00a - 3:30p
Sara V and Miner Y Harkness Assembly Room
University of Southern California (USC)  Health Sciences Center
Clinical Science Center, 2250 Alcazar Street, Los Angeles, CA  90033


AACDP Executive Office | PO Box 30413 | Indianapolis, IN 46230
Phone: 317-407-1173 | Email: exec@aacdp.org

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